Top "Sortedlist" questions

SortedList Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are sorted by the keys and are accessible by key and by index.

Binary Search on Keys of SortedList<K, V>

I need to write some code for linear interpolation and I am trying to figure out the most efficient way …

c# search performance sortedlist
What are the differences between a list, sorted list, and an array list? (c#)

From what I've read, a list, sorted list, and an array list have many things in common, but at the …

c# arrays list sorting sortedlist
Is there a non-unique-key sorted list generic collection in C#?

I'm a bit surprised by System.Collections.Generic.SortedList, in that It requires me to use <key, value> …

c# collections sortedlist
how does searchsort in python work?

To make my question clear say if I have an array a as Out[123]: [1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 54] When I try to search the …

python search sortedlist
C# faster sorting than SortedList<>

we have a SortedList<Resource, Resource> resources = new SortedList<Resource, Resource>(new ResourceIdle()); that we use …

c# sorting sortedlist
RecyclerView - how to update and move item at the same time

I have a RecyclerView Adapter backed by a SortedList. If I make a change to an item, it both changes …

android android-recyclerview sortedlist
How C# SortedList get key by value?

There is a SortedList slLanguage = new SortedList(); slLanguage.Add("Bahasa","id-ID"); slLanguage.Add("Chinese Simplified(中文简体)","zh-CN"); slLanguage.Add("Chinese Traditional(中文繁體)","…

c# sortedlist
Why do SortedList and List use array and why is LinkedList not much used?

In my mind, List is basically implemented using LinkedList, while a normal Array is implemented as contiguous blocks. I always …

c# list linked-list sortedlist
SortedSet / SortedList with better LINQ performance?

Let's say we have a sorted collection such as SortedSet or SortedList with many (10M+) elements. Lots of querying is …

.net linq linq-to-objects sortedlist sortedset
C# Linq return SortedList

How can I get Linq in C# to return a SortedList given an IEnumerable? If I can't, is it possible …

c# linq sortedlist