How to export results as a PDF report?

Vijay picture Vijay · Jan 12, 2017 · Viewed 50.2k times · Source

I am using SonarQube 5.6.3. How can I create a SonarQube analysis details report as a PDF form, an excel report, or an html formatted report?

No plugin seems to be available for this.

I was unable to generate an html file using below configuration:

sonar.issuesReport.html.enable = true
sonar.issuesReport.html.location = c:\ = sample

How can I export these details from SonarQube?


Georg Moser picture Georg Moser · Oct 12, 2017

For the sonar-maven-plugin it works the same. Just add these two properties to the pom file:

<project xmlns="...>

results will be in the target/sonar folder