In Sonar, for a particular Java class, I see :
Complexity: 830
Complexity /method: 8,1
How could you explain the difference between those two metrics ?
Is "Complexity" the class complexity ?
What is the maximum complexity a class should be under ? I know methods should be less than 10 for method complexity, but what is the maximum class complexity number a class should conform to be considered not complex ?
I also look at Cyclomatic-Complexity rule violations in the file.
For a number of methods, sonar says with different complexity numbers (in french) :
"La complexité cyclomatique de la classe est de 28 alors que le maximum autorisé est de 10."
in english :
"The class cyclomatic complexity is 28 but the maximum allowed is 10".
I don't understand why it says "class cyclomatic complexity" as it seems as a "method cyclomatic complexity".
Also, the class in question does not appears on top of the most complex class sorted by average complexity/method, as sonar says it has only 8,1 average method complexity.
You can have a look at our "Metric Definitions" Wiki page (and more specifically on the "Complexity" section) to know more about the meaning of metrics found in Sonar.