SolrNet is an Apache Solr client for .NET
Solr newbie here. I have created a Solr index and write a whole bunch of docs into it. I can …
lucene solr solrnetI am trying to Implement Apache Solr search through SolrNet library.So far I have managed to run an instance …
apache solr solrnetI'm using Solr for offering faceted navigation for e-commerce site. However I need to define the custom order for facets, …
solr solrnet faceted-searchwhen i add docs to index, the page returns 400 bad request. And the solr has been start up and can …
solrnetHi I am very new to SOLRNET. Can you please explain where I can get the software of SOLRNET,how …
solrnetWe want to implement full document search in our project in .Net web project. For that we came across 2 names …
c# solr lucene solrnet