Top "Socketchannel" questions

Issues related to socket channel for stream-oriented connecting sockets in Java

How correctly close SocketChannel in Java NIO?

I have a simple non-blocking server with main loop: try { while ( > -1) { // Wait for an event one …

java nio socketchannel
SSL and SocketChannel

Ideally, I only need a simple SSLSocketChannel. I already have a component that reads and writes message over ordinary SocketChannel, …

java ssl nio socketchannel sslengine
Java NIO: transferFrom until end of stream

I'm playing around with the NIO library. I'm attempting to listen for a connection on port 8888 and once a connection …

java nio filechannel socketchannel
Is there a way to de-register a selector on a socket channel

This is a pretty straight forward question, but I have found a need to unregister a selector overlooking my socket …

java sockets select nonblocking socketchannel
java.nio.channels.IllegalBlockingModeException while reading content from client through a channel

Am very new to NIO am building a chat application i got connection in all the client but while reading …

java sockets networking nio socketchannel
Sending multiple messages through only one SocketChannel

After reading this tutorial: (it's about writing non-blocking server and client, and I read NIO …

java nio socketchannel
How to communicate between non-blocking client and non-blocking server through only one SocketChannel

I'm trying to write a non-blocking client and non-blocking server with requirements: Server just listens to clients and send back …

java nio socketchannel