Top "Soapui" questions

SoapUI is an open-source desktop application providing functional testing, load testing, security testing, API mocking, and API monitoring for both SOAP/WSDL and REST/WADL web services.

SOAPFault: soapenv:VersionMismatch Error

I gave all request as properly but I could not get response.Its Showing version mismatch error. Requset XML <…

Date time in Groovy

I'm looking to add 1 second to a datetime so I can test date based pagination. I'm hoping get a date …

groovy soapui
WADL Generation Tool

Is there a tool which takes a Java File what describes a REST service as a parameter and generates a …

java rest soapui wadl
SoapUI raw request not showing JSON body

This question is for SoapUI 5.2.1 community edition: I have a POST request with JSON body that contains variables. I was …

SoapUI Web Service Request using Public Key Certificate

I have a WSDL for a Web Service and a Public Key Certificate in the shape of a .cer file. …

web-services encryption certificate soapui
spring-ws: no endpoint mapping found

I made a simple web service but when I'am trying to test it on soapui its giving this error: WARN : […

spring web-services soapui spring-ws endpoint
SOAP Action mismatch error while testing a WCF service with SoapUI

Am testing a WCF service with a sample input in SOAPUI. when i hit the run,I get an SOAP …

wcf soapui
SoapUI on windows 10 - high DPI/4K scaling issue

SoapUI doesn't seem to be DPI-Aware and displays too small on my high DPI screen (tiny text and buttons). Other …

how do I test an MTOM webservice with soapUI?

I've built a webservice that wraps Apache FOP. You send it XML, and it gives you an MTOM stream that …

soap web-services soapui mtom
Content length already present error soapUI 4.5.1

I've recently started using soapUI 4.5.1 and I'm still not familiar with all the settings. I've set up a few web …

http-headers soapui