Hi I have installed Soap UI...Like C, Java we will create some sample program. likewise i wanted to use some sample request and response..how to create a request and response without wsdl?
I keep having some weird problems. The main one is that I keep getting the following error when trying to add a WSDL to a new project:
Error loading [https://.../token?wsdl]: java.lang.Exception: Failed to load url; https://.../…
Looking for tools use to test REST API.
So far I'm only aware of SoapUI. I've tried SOAPUI but - at least in a mac - it's terrible.
Wondering what people are using to test their own APIs.
I have tested my web services (wsdl/soap) with soapui. and i have the errors :
http/log : error 400 BAD REQUEST.
What can be the error please with my wsdl ?
error/log :
un Jun 05 14:10:37 CEST 2011:ERROR:javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException (at /…