Top "Smtpclient" questions

on .NET Framework , allows applications to send e-mail by using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Two ways to send email via SmtpClient asynchronously, different results

Simple concept here. This is for a site being built using MVC 3 and Entity Framework 4. After a user registers on …

c# asynchronous smtpclient
How to validate smtp credentials before sending mail?

I need to validate the username and password set in an SmtpClient instance before sending mail. Using this code: SmtpClient …

.net smtpclient
Getting SmtpClient to work with a self signed SSL certificate

I'm attempting to use the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient class to relay an email through my company's email server. All …

c# ssl smtpclient self-signed
Troubleshooting "The server committed a protocol violation" when sending mail with SmtpClient

I want to send a mail message with the SmtpClient class. Here's the code I use: SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("…

c# smtpclient
SmtpClient very slow - about 2 seconds to send one very small email

I'm using SmtpClient to send a simple email. The email consists of about 25 plaintext characters so it's small. It however …

c# .net email smtpclient
Why can SmtpClient.SendAsync only be called once?

I'm trying to write a notification service (for completely legit non-spam purposes) in .NET using SmtpClient. Initially I just looped …

c# smtpclient
Send email with attchement using System.Net.Mail

I am using System.Net.Mail to send emails through my application. I was trying to send emails with the …

c# c#-2.0 smtpclient
What's the default timeout on the SmtpClient object?

What does the timeout default to in the .NET SmtpClient object? What unit of time is it (seconds, milliseconds, etc)?

.net smtpclient
.NET 4.0 Fails When sending emails with attachments larger than 3MB

I recently had an issue after upgrading my .net framework to 4.0 from 3.5: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---&…

.net .net-4.0 smtpclient
.NET Best Method to Send Email (System.Net.Mail has issues)

This seems to be pretty straight forward. I need to send email from some ASP.NET applications. I need to …

.net smtp smtpclient