Top "Smtp" questions

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an Internet standard for electronic mail (e-mail) transmission across Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

How can I send emails through SSL SMTP with the .NET Framework?

Is there a way with the .NET Framework to send emails through an SSL SMTP server on port 465? The usual …

c# .net email ssl smtp
Mail not sending with PHPMailer over SSL using SMTP

I am trying to use PHPMailer to send e-mails over SMTP but so far have had no luck. I've gone …

php email ssl smtp phpmailer
Using JavaMail with TLS

I found several other questions on SO regarding the JavaMail API and sending mail through an SMTP server, but none …

java smtp jakarta-mail ssl
problem with php mail 'From' header

I'm building a website that sends and email to a user when he registers. My code (the gist of it): &…

php email smtp
Problem with SMTP authentication in PHP using PHPMailer, with Pear Mail works

I´m having trouble sending a e-mail with the PHPMailer class, but it works with PEAR Mail::factory. I guess …

php email smtp pear phpmailer
Using Javamail to connect to Gmail smtp server ignores specified port and tries to use 25

I'm trying to use javamail in a groovy script to send out an email via gmail. I've looked many places …

java groovy smtp gmail jakarta-mail
PHPMailer - SMTP ERROR: Password command failed when send mail from my server

I have used phpmailer() concept to send mail to users from my shared server using php script, but I'm not …

php email smtp phpmailer
Sending emails through SMTP with PHPMailer

I'm trying to send SMTP e-mails using PHPMailer, but I keep getting this error message, any ideas how to get …

php smtp phpmailer smtp-auth
What's the difference between Sender, From and Return-Path?

What's the difference between an email Sender, From and Return-Path value? Example: I have a contact form where the user …

email smtp
Is SMTP based on TCP or UDP?

Is SMTP based on TCP or UDP ? I really can't confirm it . In my opinion, SMTP should be based on …

tcp smtp udp network-protocols