Using Kannel with and SMSC simulator for sending and receiving SMS

Saad Touhbi picture Saad Touhbi · Feb 24, 2012 · Viewed 10.9k times · Source

I am working on a project Using Kannel in order to send/receive SMS, So far we were told to read the documentation about Kannel and also do a simulation. I was able to use Opensmpp to send SMS but i am having troubles in receiving SMS to my Kannel in order to process it. if there is any chance of doing that with OpenSmpp please tell me, cuz i am stuck here. if not could you refer me to another SMSC simulator that could give me that possibility. Thanks You in Advance


My Other Me picture My Other Me · Feb 27, 2012

I can highly suggest using SMPPSIM from Selenium Software as a SMSC simulator. Last time I got it from here. It needs Java, but if I remember correctly so did OpenSMPP. Once you have it up and running you can connect to it's Web Interface port that allows you to inject messages that will be sent to the connected clients. It also allows for ESME-to-ESME mode that basically sends back everything you send it.