I'm usinh a Prestashop, and I would like to call a module in other module (precisely I need to use slider module just above the home featured products). I tried to call it via
include file='../directory/module.tpl'
but always I get only blank page without any code. I also tried with different ways of directory statement, but always the result was the same. Is there any possibility to include new module in correct way?
For this to work, your directory structure should be (Using PrestaShop 1.6):
-- mymodule.php
-- views
---- templates
------ hook
------ displayFooBarTemplate.tpl
-------- inc
---------- foo.tpl
---------- bar.tpl
Absolute way:
From your main module file:
protected function displayFooBarTemplate()
global $smarty;
$smarty->assign('module_templates', dirname(__FILE__).'/views/templates/');
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'displayFooBarTemplate.tpl');
then in your tpl file (displayFooBarTemplate.tpl):
{include file="{$module_templates}hook/inc/modal/foo.tpl"}
{include file="{$module_templates}hook/inc/modal/bar.tpl"}
Relative way (my favorite):
{include './inc/foo.tpl'}
{include './inc/modal/bar.tpl'}