Apache Sling is a web framework that uses Java Content Repository to store and manage content.
I have a Sling Resource object. What is the best way to set or update its property?
aem jcr slingUsing sling resource interface I am trying to get access the data saved as a binary property to my JCR …
java jackrabbit aem jcr slingI'm working on CQ5 based app, which is a whole new area for me as I was mainly working on …
osgi aem slingI am having some trouble testing a Sling model: the currentPage is not getting injected for some reason. My Sling …
mockito aem sling sling-modelsOn AEM 6.1.. I am trying to create a System User (rep:SystemUser). Can anyone help me? I need this system-user …
aem slingI am trying to do the following on AEM 6.1: Develop a simple form (3 input fields) Process the submitted values, And …
aem sling sightlyIn a CQ jsp it's easy to access the currentPage object by simply calling currentPage.getPath(). But I'm trying to …
java aem slingI have component hierarchy parsys -> parentcomp -> childcomp parentcomp node has some properties. I am trying to …
aem jcr slingI've been banging my head for hours on this now. I'm trying to dynamically populate options in a selection xtype …
aem sling