In Slim 2, I can over write the default 404 page easily,
// @ref:
$app->notFound(function () use ($app) {
$view = $app->view();
But in Slim 3,
// ref:
//Override the default Not Found Handler
$container['notFoundHandler'] = function ($c) {
return function ($request, $response) use ($c) {
return $c['response']
->withHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')
->write('Page not found');
How can I add my 404 template ('404.html') in?
Create your container:
// Create container
$container = new \Slim\Container;
// Register component on container
$container['view'] = function ($c) {
$view = new \Slim\Views\Twig('./public/template/');
$view->addExtension(new \Slim\Views\TwigExtension(
return $view;
//Override the default Not Found Handler
$container['notFoundHandler'] = function ($c) {
return function ($request, $response) use ($c) {
return $c['view']->render($response->withStatus(404), '404.html', [
"myMagic" => "Let's roll"
Construct the \Slim\App
object using the $container
and run:
$app = new \Slim\App($container);