Top "Sliding-window" questions

In data analysis, sliding windows are advancing sub-lists inside lists which allow, e.g., computation of a record's change from the previous record or next record.

Implementing a sliding window (java)

I am fairly new to java (and programming overall) and have received the task to implement a Sliding Window object …

java arrays linked-list sliding-window
simple sliding window filter in Matlab

I don't have the package for nlfilter and I didn't quite follow this example. I have a really simple function …

matlab filter sliding-window
R data.table sliding window

What is the best (fastest) way to implement a sliding window function with the data.table package? I'm trying to …

r time-series data.table sliding-window
non-maximum suppression on detection windows

In object detection literature it is common to use a classifier and a sliding window approach to detect the presence …

image-processing object-detection sliding-window
Python - Element-wise means of multiple matrices with Numpy

I am implementing a sliding-window model, where I want to initialize a matrix @t as the element-wise means of the …

python numpy list-comprehension mean sliding-window
How do I lag columns in MySQL?

Consider the following table: SELECT id, value FROM table ORDER BY id ASC; +-----+---------+ | id | value | +-----+---------+ | 12 | 158 | | 15 | 346 | | 27 | 334 | | 84 | 378 | | 85 | 546 | +-----+…

mysql sql data-analysis sliding-window
contrast enhancement of an image using neighbourhoood

Hi I want to enhance the contrast of an image using the neighbourhood pixel values. Let the image be considered …

matlab image-processing sliding-window contrast image-enhancement