Top "Slick" questions

Slick acronym for Scala Language-Integrated Connection Kit, is a modern database query and access library for Scala by Lightbend.

Custom mapping to nested case class structure in Slick (more than 22 columns)

I'm trying to map a DB row with more than 22 columns to a case class tree. I'd rather not using …

scala slick
Why does Play action fail with "no suitable driver found" with Slick and PostgreSQL?

I'm writing a Scala web app using Play Framework 2.1.1 using a local Postgres database along with Slick 1.0.0, and I'm running …

postgresql scala playframework slick
Scala Slick, how to create Schema ONLY if it does not exist

In Scala Slick, a database schema can be created with the following: val schema = coffees.schema ++ suppliers.schema…

scala slick
Is it possible to use IN clause in plain sql Slick?

For example, I want to create the following query: SELECT c.* FROM Coffees c WHERE IN ('robusta', 'arabica') …

scala scala-2.10 slick