Difference between sip proxy and sip outbound proxy

Poles picture Poles · Dec 10, 2015 · Viewed 16k times · Source

I'm little bit confused about sip proxy and sip outbound proxy? What is the basic difference between sip proxy and sip outbound proxy? Is it mandatory to use sip outbound proxy along with sip proxy? Can anyone point me out from the below image which one is the sip proxy and outbound proxy?

enter image description here


zoro picture zoro · Feb 10, 2017

As your attached picture, it should be:

  • User Agent: Client
  • SIP outbound proxies: SIP Proxy port 5060 & SIP Proxy port 5070 when they're receiving incoming request from UA

A sip proxy can be understood as an "outbound proxy" or an "inbound proxy". Details explanation can be describe as below:

"Pretend you are a SIP User Agent, perhaps a very simple UA that doesn't even do DNS lookups.

A call coming to you is "inbound".

It may hit your home proxy first, and receive treatment such as being proxied to you based on your registered contact. This is an "inbound service", and your home proxy is acting as an "inbound proxy".

Now you want to make a call. Since you're making the call, it is going "out", or can be called "outbound". You send this call to a proxy, which looks up the request URI in DNS and sends the call on towards its destination. This proxy is providing the "outbound service" of DNS resolution, and is acting as an "outbound proxy" for this call.

On any call there may be any number of inbound and outbound proxies and services. Some proxies may even provide both sorts for a single call.

Assume the simple network UA1----P1----P2----UA2

UA1 places a call to UA2."

//refer: https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/sip/current/msg06276.html