Can I turn off SRTP when use webrtc

byungkyu picture byungkyu · May 13, 2014 · Viewed 7k times · Source

Now I test webrtc communicate with SIP Client(sx20)

I send invite message with webrtc sdp. but sip client answer has not finger print, and

sip client answer is not SRTP just RTP.

So I need to turn off SRTP in WEBRTC. Can I do it?

and one more question... I think, finger print is encrypt key,
so, sender and receiver need to each key? we need two key? sender's key, receive's key? or we need just sender' key?


spditner picture spditner · Sep 22, 2016

For testing purposes, Chrome Canary and Chrome Developer both have a flag which allows you to turn off SRTP, for example:

cd /Applications/Google\ Chrome\
./Google\ Chrome\ Canary --disable-webrtc-encryption

Then your SDP with the RTP setup would look more like:

m=audio 17032 RTP/AVPF 111 126

Instead of:

m=audio 17254 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 126