Top "Singly-linked-list" questions

A linked list in which each node only points to the next node in the list, as opposed to a doubly-linked list in which each node points to both the next and the previous nodes.

How to Create a Circular LinkedList

I know how to create the Link and LinearLinkedList classes, but I just cannot for the life of me figure …

python singly-linked-list circular-list
Big O complexity to merge two lists

Given 2 singly linked lists already sorted, merge the lists. Example: list1: 1 2 3 5 7 list2: 0 4 6 7 10 ---> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 10 Despite from the fact that the …

algorithm merge time-complexity singly-linked-list
MIPS linked list

I'm confused exactly about how to create structures in MIPS. I want to create a linked list implementation which computes …

linked-list mips singly-linked-list
How to create deep copy of Linked List that maintain same order

I got asked the following question at a job interview that I could not figure out. You are given a …

java data-structures linked-list singly-linked-list
Array of Linked Lists in C: initializing and inserting?

I need to create an array of linked lists (as pictured) and this is what I've made so far: typedef …

c arrays linked-list singly-linked-list
Adding data in linked list using for loop

I want to add data into a linked list using for loop. what i expect is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O/P i'm getting …

c++ for-loop data-structures linked-list singly-linked-list
best linked list in ruby WITHOUT extending array?

What is the best way to implement a linked list in Ruby without using/extending the Array class? This is …

ruby data-structures linked-list singly-linked-list