Top "Simpledateformat" questions

SimpleDateFormat is a concrete Java class for formatting and parsing dates and times in a locale-sensitive manner.

Synchronizing access to SimpleDateFormat

The javadoc for SimpleDateFormat states that SimpleDateFormat is not synchronized. "Date formats are not synchronized. It is recommended to create …

java multithreading concurrency simpledateformat
java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS

I am getting ParseException for the following code String dateStr = "2011-12-22 10:56:24.389362"; String formatStr = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS"; Date …

java simpledateformat parseexception
how to add number of days to the date given in a jtextfield with string data type

Good Day . I just wanna ask about adding days in a given date. I have a jtexfield (txtStart) and another …

java datetime simpledateformat gregorian-calendar
Formatting the date on a JSpinner

I have a jspinner in the format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss. The problem is the spinner 'hh' only goes up …

java swing netbeans simpledateformat jspinner
Month without leading zeros in Android

Is there a way to format a Month without leading zeros in Java/Android? I got this: mTitleText.setText(String.…

android simpledateformat
Convert string to day of week (not exact date)

I'm receiving a String which is a spelled out day of the week, e.g. Monday. Now I want to …

java date calendar simpledateformat dayofweek
Unparseable date using DateFormat.parse()

I followed a few other solutions on this site to this dilemma, and I do not have Joda Time installed, …

java datetime simpledateformat aem
How can I insert special characters in SimpleDateFormat?

I want to insert the word 'at' in a SimpleDateFormat so a date would look like: Wed, 26 May 2010 at 11:17am …

java simpledateformat
SimpleDateFormat warning To get local formatting use getDateInstance(), getDateTimeInstance(), or getTimeInstance(),

Do i need to be worried about this warning? What if I ignore the warning? What does this warning mean: …

java android simpledateformat
How does Java "week year" really work?

This started as a simple error: I had YYYY instead of yyyy in my format string for a SimpleDateFormat object. …

java simpledateformat