Top "Silverlight-3.0" questions

Silverlight is Microsoft's cross-browser, cross platform plug-in for media experiences and rich interactive applications.

RIA Services: How can I create custom authentication?

I am working with the Silverlight RIA Services and I want to create custom authentication. This appears to be the …

silverlight-3.0 wcf-ria-services
'Element is already the child of another element' error in Silverlight App.xaml

I keep getting a strange error inside my App.xaml file: Element is already the child of another element. My …

silverlight xaml silverlight-3.0
How to make ChildWindow blocking

The ChildWindow is a modal window, but it does not block. Is there any way to make it blocking? I …

silverlight silverlight-3.0
How to define a DataTemplate in code?

How can I create a DataTemplate in code (using C#) and then add a control to that DataTemplate? <data:…

c# silverlight datagrid silverlight-3.0 datatemplate
While creating new project I am getting error "object reference not set to an instance of an object"

I have just started to use silverlight in visual studio 2k8. I have installed silverlight 3 tools for visual studio 2K8. …

visual-studio silverlight silverlight-3.0
DomainDataSource DataPager with silverlight 3 DataGrid & .Net RIA Services

I have a simple datagrid example with silverlight 3, and am populating it with the .NET ria services using a DomainDataSource …

silverlight-3.0 wcf-ria-services data-paging
How can I set the maxItemsInObjectGraph property programmatically from a Silverlight Application?

I have a Silverlight 3.0 application that is using a WCF service to communicate with the database, and when I have …

wcf .net-3.5 silverlight-3.0 wcf-client
What is the difference between WCF and the RIA Services Domain Service Class?

I'm just introducing myself to the basic differences between Silverlight 3 and it's predecessor. Looking at Domain Service Class within RIA …

silverlight web-services silverlight-3.0
Nested Silverlight Datagrid - Row Details works great, but I want a button!

I'm using a silverlight 3 datagrid, and within it, I'm nesting related records in another control by using the rowdetails (visibilitymode = …

silverlight-3.0 datagrid nested
Using MergedDictionaries in generic.xaml in Silverlight 3

In WPF it was possible to organise the XAML for multiple user controls by keeping the markup in separate XAML …

silverlight silverlight-3.0 mergeddictionaries generic.xaml