Top "Sift" questions

Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) is an algorithm in computer vision to detect and describe local features in images.

Training of SVM classifier using SIFT features

please i like to classify a set of image in 4 class with SIFT DESCRIPTOR and SVM. Now, using SIFT extractor …

svm sift descriptor
Similar image search using an image

I am working on a project in which the two images will be checked for similarity like 'Google Image Search …

java image-processing histogram sift image-comparison
What is the difference between dense SIFT and HoG?

I am new to Computer Vision. I am studying Dense SIFT and HOG. For dense SIFT, the algorithm just considers …

computer-vision sift
Linking opencv nonfree components (SIFT features and OCL specifically)

I am having trouble compiling some code after a OS upgrade (Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04) and a re-install of opencv. The general …

opencv dynamic-linking sift ros ocl
Python Bag of Words clustering

Edit: Here is the complete code for anyone having issues still I'm trying to do an image recognition …

python opencv k-means sift
Merge multiple cv::Mat?

Basically I have 3 mat like this: Mat descriptors1 Mat descriptors2 Mat descriptors3 Where each descriptors have been loaded like this: …

opencv sift surf
How to use SIFT/SURF as features for a machine learning algorithm?

Im working on an automatic image annotation problem in which im trying to associate tags with images. For that im …

opencv image-processing machine-learning sift feature-extraction
OpenCV : AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'queryIdx'

I'm using OpenCV, SIFT and Homography in order to detect all objects in a picture. My global picture looks like : …

python opencv sift flann