Top "Showdialog" questions

showDialog in button Listview adapter

i have a listView like THIS i want when i press the delete. it show a dialog like this image …

android listview android-listview showdialog
When would ShowDialog() return null?

WPF's Window.ShowDialog method returns a nullable boolean. So does CommonDialog.ShowDialog. Now, I understand cases where these would return …

wpf null showdialog
How to correctly ShowDialog() from inside an MDIChild form?

I have an MDIChild form that needs to show a dialog. I'm currently doing it like this from inside the …

.net winforms mdi showdialog
What's wrong with my cross-thread call in Windows Forms?

I encounter a problem with a Windows Forms application. A form must be displayed from another thread. So in the …

c# winforms invoke multithreading showdialog
Set UpdateSourceTrigger to Explicit in ShowDialog (WPF MVVM)

I saw this example - Binding.UpdateSourceTrigger Property in the example the UpdateSourceTrigger set to Explicit and then in the …

wpf data-binding mvvm showdialog updatesourcetrigger