Top "Show-hide" questions

show-hide is a user interface behavior used to visually indicate on and off states

jQuery hide() div until fully loaded

I'm using tabbed featured post for my blog. How to implement the div#latest-featured will hide() then show() it back …

jquery css show-hide
How can I hide a UIBarButtonItem?

I have created a simple UI in IB, this consists of a UINavigationBar and a UIBarButtonItem that I dragged and …

iphone uibutton uinavigationbar uibarbuttonitem show-hide
iPhone : Hiding / showing Toolbar

I have a toolbar on top of my view with a back button. I would like when the view loads …

iphone ios xcode toolbar show-hide
MVC 3 Webgrid - how do you hide columns you do not want to be visible?

I have a webgrid and there is a column I want to be visible only to certain users. Currently I … razor show-hide webgrid
Animation without jquery, slide left and right

I am trying to slide a div to the left when I show it and slide it to the right …

javascript animation hide show show-hide
iOS/Swift - Hide/Show UITabBarController when scrolling down/up

I'm quite new to iOS development. Right now i'm trying to hide my tabbar when I scroll down and when …

ios swift uiscrollview uitabbarcontroller show-hide
jQuery show "loading" during slow operation

I'm trying to show a small loading image during a slow operation with jQuery and can't get it right. It's …

jquery performance show-hide
How to show/hide grouped views in Android?

I want to create an activity such as mentioned in photo... as soon as I press the maximize button I …

android android-relativelayout visibility android-view show-hide
Changing font awesome icon onclick function

I'm trying to swap .fa-eye to fa-eye-slash when user click on a button. What am I doing wrong? It's not …

javascript jquery html font-awesome show-hide
jQuery - show/hide search box

I've written a little jQuery to slide open a search box when a div is clicked. Basically, on click it …

javascript jquery html show-hide