Top "Shortest-path" questions

Shortest path problems are problems addressing finding the shortest path from a single source to a target source, usually in a graph.

Find the shortest path with the least number of edges

I need to modify Dijkstra's algorithm so that if there are several shortest paths I need to find the one …

algorithm dijkstra shortest-path
Printing shortest path b/w given nodes using modified floyd warshall

I read the approach given by Wikipedia to print the shortes path b/w two given points in a graph …

c++ algorithm shortest-path floyd-warshall
Is there any implementation of bidirectional search for Dijkstra algorithm?

I am looking for an implementation of bidirectional search (a.k.a. "meet in the middle" algorithm) for Dijkstra (or …

java algorithm graph-theory dijkstra shortest-path
Floyd-Warshall: all shortest paths

I've implemented Floyd-Warshall to return the distance of the shortest path between every pair of nodes/vertices and a single …

algorithm shortest-path floyd-warshall
Shortest path to visit all nodes

I'm looking for an algorithm that seems very typical to me, but it seems that the common solutions are all …

algorithm graph path shortest-path