Top "Shiny" questions

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web applications using only R.

Show/hide entire box element in R Shiny

I'm currently trying to find a way to hide/show an entire box() element (and everything inside) in R Shiny. …

r shiny shinydashboard shinyjs
R Shiny Date range input

I have a date range input function as follows in my ui for my shiny app. dateRangeInput("dates", "Date range", …

r shiny date-range
R + Shiny which hammer? straight Shiny, flexdashboard or shinydashboard?

At the risk of getting hit with a mods "too broad a question" hammer, I want to ask given the …

r shiny shinydashboard flexdashboard
how to set zoom level/view of leaflet map

I have a map in leaflet in RShiny which have markers plotted and once I click a marker it adds …

r shiny leaflet r-leaflet
DT in Shiny and R: Custom number formatting

I have a shiny-app that displays a datatable using the DT-package. What I want is to be able to format …

r shiny dt
Shrink DT::dataTableOutput Size

I have a shiny interface, and I use DT::dataTableOutput and DT::renderDataTable a lot. However, I wonder if there's …

r shiny dt
Linking to a tab or panel of a shiny app

How do I manage to link from a given shiny part to parts that are located on other tabs/panels? …

html r hyperlink shiny href
How to avoid Error in load Namespace using R

Am trying to launch a shiny app using the below command. Rscript -e "shiny::runApp('test-app', launch.browser=TRUE)" However, …

r shiny shinyapps htmltools
Changing the font size of valueBoxes

I would like to change the font size of the value and the subtitle for valueBoxes. Below is my attempt, …

r shiny shinydashboard
Update handsontable by editing table and/or eventReactive

I am using the rhandsontable package in a Shiny app which should have the following functionality: the data used in …

r shiny handsontable