Top "Shellexecute" questions

ShellExecute is a Win32 API function used to launch document files

Shellexec vs Exec vs Shellexec my batch file

I don't find in the help an exhaustive explanation of the difference between Shellexec and Exec. Is the Shellexec('',…

exec inno-setup shellexecute
How to shell to another app and have it appear in a delphi form

In Delphi I've used ShellExecute for years to launch (and optionally wait for) other applications. Now though, I need to …

delphi shellexecute setparent
Execute command line via php?

How I can execute those two command line via php: wkhtmltopdf gg.pdf & oofice -headless -nologo …

php wkhtmltopdf shellexecute
Programmatically selecting file in explorer

In my application I can programmatically open explorer and select a file using the following code: void BrowseToFile(LPCTSTR filename) { …

c++ windows explorer shellexecute
Executing AutoIt script from command prompt

Is there any way to execute my AutoIt script (.au3 file) from command line?

windows command-prompt autoit shellexecute
VBA: Running "Elevated" Command (Shell vs. ShellExecute)

In my VBA procedure, I need to run the app "Skitch" and use it to open a JPEG file. This …

vba command-line windows-7 cmd shellexecute
Open a URL in a new browser process

I need to open a URL in a new browser process. I need to be notified when that browser process …

c# windows system shellexecute
How to Print any document in a SELECTED printer

I would like to print any document such as pdf,word,excel or text files in a selected printer using .…

c# .net printing shellexecute
Wait before ShellExecute is carried out?

I have a hopefully quick question: Is it possible to delay execution of ShellExecute a little bit? I have an …

delphi delay shellexecute
OSX equivalent of ShellExecute?

I've got a C++ app that I'm porting from Win32 to OSX. I'd like to be able to launch arbitrary …

c++ macos shellexecute