How to Pass parameters for a Ant script , which is invoked via shell script?

trilawney picture trilawney · Jul 21, 2011 · Viewed 56.4k times · Source

I need to invoke a ant script via shell script. Let us consider the parameters for ant script are a,b,c. how can i pass the parameter for those variables? I must provide the parameters for ant vis invoke the shell script. can anyone help me on this?


merryprankster picture merryprankster · Jul 21, 2011

Do you mean assigning value to a property from command line? If so, try


For example,

    <target name="hi">
        <property name="person" value="world"/>
        <echo message="Hello ${person}"/>

and then

ant -Dperson="MerryPrankster" hi


 [echo] Hello MerryPrankster