I have an SPListItem
and I have an array of column names.
When I try to access the SPListItem
values using the code below:
for(int i=0;i<arrColName.length;i++)
string tempValue = item[arrColName[i]].ToString();
// Works fine in case the the specific column in the list item is not null
// Argument exception - Values does not fall witing expected range
// exception in case the value //is null
I think that you used an SPQuery to get the list items and forgot to add the field into the viewfields property of SPQuery.
query.ViewFields = string.Format("<FieldRef Name=\"{0}\" Nullable=\"True\" />", mFieldName);
Usually when you test your program with the farm account the code will work, with normal users you get an ArgumentException.
Another problem/feature which causes ArgumentException is the new ListView Threshold. If th elist you try to access has too many items, this Exception is raised. A way to handle this is to increase the threshold with powershell for the list.