I have following problem with my Sharepoint website. (The view cannot be displayed because the number of lookup and workflow columns it contains exceeds the threshold (8) enforced by the administrator) but any solution I have found online points me to change the throttle settings in web applications settings under central administration. My problem is I simply do not have Central Administration > Web Applications etc... The problem is appearing on a document library for me and I have explored very settings options on the site but cannot find anything about trottleing or column threshold. I just have Site Settings > Library settings etc...
How can I increase the column threshold in this case?
I am working on a Sharepoint website and have Workspace and Designer 2010.
The information you found is correct. You must access the Central Administration site from the server itself. It sounds like you are not logging into the server, but using SPD and the Sharepoint site from your workstation. If you don't have access to RDP to the server, you must contact someone who has access.
On another note, it's not recommended to increase that threshold.