SharePoint: Calculated Column Values Disappear When Editing List Item. Any ideas?

program247365 picture program247365 · Jul 7, 2009 · Viewed 20.2k times · Source

I have a calculated column in a custom SharePoint 2007 list, with the following formula:


If an item is created in the list, everything is fine, however, when an item is updated the [ID] column is no longer in the calculated column for that item.

So, on creation: "IR-40-TheTitleIsHere", but after edit, it is, "IR--TheTitleIsHere".

Anyone have some insight on why this would be happening?


Kit Menke picture Kit Menke · Jul 9, 2009

I confirm the behavior mentioned above. Any Add/Edit will wipe out the [ID] portion. If you edit the column in the list and update the formula, it will update ALL list items to be correct (until you do an edit on the item).

I found this post that mentions the same problem.

Sounds like the only solution would be to make a simple workflow using SharePoint Designer that would update a text field in your list.