Top "Sharepoint-2010" questions

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Need Onchange events for SharePoint:FormFields

I need to call a javascript function when a SharePoint:FormField has changed. This is to provide some client side …

sharepoint-2010 onchange sharepoint-api
Sharepoint Nintex workflow sending multiply notifications when only one is needed

I am having problems with a Nintex workflow. When it triggers it sends multiple notifications when it should only send …

sharepoint-2010 notifications nintex-workflow
"The specified view is invalid" in call to LimitedWebPartManager.AddWebPart in SharePoint 2010

This code used to work in WSS 3.0 / MOSS 2007 in FeatureReceiver.FeatureActivated: using (SPLimitedWebPartManager limitedWebPartManager = Site.GetLimitedWebPartManager("default.aspx", PersonalizationScope.Shared)) { …

Cannot enable feature with feature receiver via PowerShell

I've got a problem where I can enable a feature the UI and everything works as expected through site settings, …

powershell sharepoint-2010 sharepoint-feature
InfoPath "The SOAP message cannot be parsed"

I work on a simple list on a simple site/site collection/web app on a SharePoint 2010 test server which …

ssl sharepoint-2010 infopath2010
How do I pass my proxy credentials to a SharePoint Client Context object...? (SharePoint Client Object Model)

I'm writing an application that accesses a SharePoint site using the Client Object Model and I'm behind a proxy server. …

sharepoint sharepoint-2010
SharePoint 2010 - Create liste items with looping workflow - limitation of 5?

I have a little problem creating new list items (rows) with the help of a workflow in a list in …

sharepoint sharepoint-2010 sharepoint-designer sharepoint-workflow
Field not displaying on list with Content types Inherits="False"

I've defined a content type 'related links' and set Inherits="False" and added line to remove out-of-the-box 'title' field as …

list sharepoint-2010 caml contenttype
How to re-publish already published InfoPath list to different Sharepoint List?

I have created one InfoPath list and published it to my SharePoint test site. Now I want to publish the …

sharepoint-2010 infopath2010
SharePoint 2010 - List view threshold: What does not trigger the threshold?

In SharePoint 2010, we have the List View Threshold, which defaults to 5,000, and: Specifies the maximum number of list or library …

list sharepoint-2010 document-library threshold