Top "Settings" questions

Settings may refer to the tweaking which can be used to help improve the user-experience or performance etc.

Android: Changing NFC settings (on/off) programmatically

I trying to change NFC settings (on/off) programmatically on Android 2.3.3. On the phone, under the "Wireless & network settings", …

android settings nfc
Can I control the location of .NET user settings to avoid losing settings on application upgrade?

I'm trying to customize the location of the user.config file. Currently it's stored with a hash and version number %…

.net-2.0 settings
Disable shortcuts in Google Chrome

Is there a way to disable and replace shortcut commands in Google Chrome. I want to use Chrome for a …

google-chrome settings shortcut
The R console is in my native language, how can I set R to English?

I am using R on Windows 7. Apparently R somehow found evidence that I speak languages besides English, and stubbornly insists …

windows r localization settings rstudio
How do I get preferences to work in Android?

I've really been struggling through this. New to Java/Android. I'm writing my first app and this is the first …

android variables settings preferences sharedpreferences
Is there any way to sync my Visual Studio Code settings between instances?

I'd like to be able to sync my VS Code user settings (File > Preferences > User Settings) to the …

visual-studio-code settings
Changing Django settings at runtime

I'd like to expose some (app-specific) settings to the admin interface, so users can change them comfortably and also not …

django runtime settings
How do I set my development web browser in VS2010 RC?

I don't like to use IE for my system default web browser. but I do want to set IE as …

visual-studio-2010 visual-studio debugging browser settings
How to force Android Studio to start with the welcome screen?

is it possible to let Android Studio start into the welcome screen instead of directly loading the last recent project? …

android-studio intellij-idea settings startup jetbrains-ide
Startup Settings In Chrome Disabled

Today when I turn on my laptop I haven't got the tabs which I have left opened in Google Chrome …

google-chrome browser settings startup