Top "Setinterval" questions

setInterval is a global JavaScript method.

Is the setInterval() an asynchronous function?

I am making a XMLHttpRequest every second to a server, the server will respond with new messages. To call the …

javascript jquery asynchronous xmlhttprequest setinterval
jQuery: Stop and start "setInterval"

I have a slideshow on my website but there is a problem with in. Here, my JS: var size_ini = 1; $(…

javascript jquery html setinterval clearinterval
Dynamic date and time with moment.js and setInterval

I'm trying to find out how I can display dynamic date and time using moment.js. Apparently I can't figure …

javascript jquery setinterval momentjs
Checking whether clearInterval has been called?

Given this code: bob = setInterval(function, 1000); clearInterval(bob); Is there now a way to know if that interval has been …

javascript settimeout setinterval intervals
Clear all setIntervals

I'm using setIntervals within an each() function like so $(".elements").each(function() { setInterval(function() { }, 1000); }); Obviously a setIntervals is created for …

javascript jquery setinterval clearinterval
setInterval not working (firing only once) in Google Chrome extension

Just as the title says: setInterval is only firing its callback once. manifest.json: { //... "content_scripts" : [{ "js" : ["code.js"], //... }], //... } code.…

javascript google-chrome asynchronous google-chrome-extension setinterval
Making a live clock in javascript

The clock kinda works. But instead of replacing the current time of day it prints a new time of day …

javascript date time setinterval clock
node.js: setInterval() skipping calls

For an upcoming project with node.js I need to perform various housekeeping tasks at periodic times. Specifically some tasks …

javascript node.js setinterval milliseconds
JavaScript: How to do something every full hour?

I want to execute some JS code every hour. But I can't use setInterval("javascript function",60*60*1000); because I want to …

javascript time timer setinterval
clearInterval in React

I'm new at React and I was trying to create a simple stopwatch with a start and stop buttons. I'm …

reactjs setinterval clearinterval