I am looking for a way to see what printers a specific user has mapped into his or her TS session.
How can I achieve this with WMI (via PowerShell) or VB-Script? Is there a built-in way I'm not aware of?
EDIT: In our construct mapping of local printers by the RDP-Client is disabled. Users get their printers created during login via VBS-Script and deleted during logoff.
So there's no printers installed directly on our TS server and querying the Win32_Printers WMI class returns nothing. The printers are installed on a dedicated print server. Querying the printers on that server returns ALL printers and not the one mapped for a single user.
Thanks to Remko's comment I was put into the right direction and finally made a script that did what I needed.
Basically the script determines the SID of the user and looks in the user's registry hive (HKEY_USERS\$sid\Printers\Connections) for the created printers.
Here's the quick and dirty powershell script:
$server = 'servername'
$userName = 'username'
$regHKLM = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LocalMachine", $server)
$regProfileList = $regHKLM.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList")
foreach ($sid in $regProfileList.GetSubKeyNames())
$profileImagePath = $regProfileList.OpenSubKey($sid).GetValue("ProfileImagePath")
if ($profileImagePath.EndsWith("\$userName"))
$regHKU = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("Users", $server)
$regUser = $regHKU.OpenSubKey("$sid\Printers\Connections")
foreach ($printer in $regUser.GetSubKeyNames())
$printer.Replace(",", "\") # backslashes are replaced with commas, revert that