Top "Session-variables" questions

Session variable is a unit of information within a session state.

Codeigniter - get all users session data

I need to get all sessions data and take some actions upon them, is there any possible way to get …

php session codeigniter-3 session-variables session variable

I have a project with c# code behind. I have a static class called GlobalVariable where I store …

c# session-variables
How to get my session to write to apache

I switched servers recently, and now my home page won't work. It gives the following text: Warning: session_start() [function.…

php apache session-variables
Session variables are not persisting between page loads

Can someone tell me why the session vars are not passing between pages? They were working up to 2 days ago. …

php session-variables
ASP.NET removing an item from Session?

Which method is preferred? Session.Remove("foo"); Session["foo"] = null; Is there a difference?

c# .net session session-variables
Are there limits for session variables?

As the title says, are there limits (if any) for session variables or they're considered as usual variables and can …

php session-variables
Magento - Passing data between a controller and a block

Really quick and simple question but I can't find a decent answer to this - What is the best way …

php variables magento model session-variables
What is the right time for ViewData, ViewBag, Session, TempData

I was editing a project and I saw a Session[""] in one controller method and TempData[""] in another. Is there … session-variables
When should I use session variables instead of cookies?

Session variables and cookies seem very similar to me. I understand the technical differences, but how do you decide when …

http cookies session-variables
PHP session variables not preserved with ajax

I have a one page website that uses AJAX to load new php files and update the display. I start …

php ajax session-variables