Top "Session-cookies" questions

Session cookies enable a server and a browser to establish an identified connection (through cookies) and communicate though it.

How to do stateless (session-less) & cookie-less authentication?

Bob uses a web application in order to achieve something. And: His browser is on diet, therefore it does not …

security authentication session-cookies stateless cookieless
Set cookie for domain instead of subDomain using NodeJS and ExpressJS

I have been using expressjs and mongostore for session management. Following is the code to configure store in expressjs, app.…

cookies node.js express session-cookies
What is meaning of "Remember Me" functionality on login page?

I want to include "Remember Me" functionality on login page but I don't know its actual meaning (how its work). …

security cookies login session-cookies remember-me
Sending cookie as request header in SOAP UI request for rest web service

I am testing a Rest API using SOAP UI tool. First, I hit another API which gave me the jSessionid …

rest cookies session-cookies soapui jsessionid
when should I use cookie-parser with express-session?

In most ExpressJs example, I found using cookie-parser with express-session. If I could access session data with …

node.js session cookies express session-cookies
Setting Node.js Express session expiration time in SessionStore in stead of in cookie

Everything I can find on Express Sessions expiring times is about setting the cookie. session.cookie.expires = null; // Browser session …

node.js session cookies express session-cookies
how to set individual session maxAge in express?

I understand that you can set the maxAge when starting up the app as follows: connect.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat', …

node.js express session-cookies
How do I create persistent sessions in PHP?

I used session_start() to initiate a session in PHP, but when my browser closes, the session is gone. How …

session-cookies php
Can't delete cookie with AngularJS's $cookies

My web app is made so that when a user logs in the server adds a Set-Cookie header to the …

javascript cookies angularjs session-cookies
Android session management

Is there a specific library for Android session management? I need to manage my sessions in a normal Android app. …

java android session session-cookies apache-commons-httpclient