Top "Servlet-filters" questions

In the Servlet API, you normally use a Servlet when you want to control, preprocess and/or postprocess specific requests.

Add a Servlet Filter in a Spring Boot application

I'd like to have ETag suport. For this purpose there is a ShallowEtagHeaderFilter which does all the work. How can …

spring annotations servlet-filters spring-boot
Authentication filter and servlet for login

I've a filter used for the login. It performs a textual checking, on fields "Username" and "Password". If and only …

authentication servlets servlet-filters login-control
How to pass data in HTTP Header while redirecting a request in Java

is it possible to pass some data in HTTP Header, while redirecting a request from one server to another. Here …

java http-headers servlet-filters http-redirect
Can we use regular expressions in web.xml URL patterns?

I am writing a filter to do a specific task but I am unable to set a specific url pattern …

java servlet-filters web.xml
How implement a login filter in JSF?

I would like to block the access of some page even if the user knows the url of some pages. …

jsf jsf-2 login authorization servlet-filters
java.lang.IllegalStateException: getReader() has already been called for this request

I want to add logging to my Servlet, so I've created Filter which should display request and go to the …

java servlets servlet-filters
How can I get a Spring bean in a servlet filter?

I have defined a javax.servlet.Filter and I have Java class with Spring annotations. import org.springframework.context.annotation.…

java spring servlets servlet-filters
In a web.xml url-pattern matcher is there a way to exclude URLs?

I wrote a filter that needs to be invoked every time a url on my site is accessed EXCEPT the …

java spring tomcat servlet-filters
How do delete a HTTP response header?

I have a situation where one of the response headers Content-Disposition has to be removed. So I thought of writing …

servlets servlet-filters response-headers
Servlet 3.0 Async-supported does not work

Here is my web.xml <filter> <filter-name>pollingTest</filter-name> <filter-class> webapp.controller.…

servlets asynchronous servlet-filters