Top "Service-broker" questions

SQL Server Service Broker is a messaging framework built into SQL Server.

SQL Service Broker - The server principal "sa" is not able to access

I am getting a permission error when trying to send a message from my database. I enamble the proker service: …

sql-server service-broker
.NET API for SQL Server Service Broker

Is there a .NET API or object model for using SQL Server Service Broker?

.net sql-server service-broker
Service Broker : Sys.Conversation_endpoints filling up with CO/CONVERSING messages when using With Cleanup

We recently identified a problem with one of our databases where as a result of a 'fire & forget' setup (…

sql-server sql-server-2008 service service-broker
SqlDependency simple select query always returns "Invalid"

I'm trying to get the SqlDependency object to give me notifications, but so far I'm not able to get it …

c# sql service-broker sqldependency
Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted

I have a service broker which calls a stores procedure sp_dequeue queue --> ACTIVATION ( STATUS = ON, MAX_QUEUE_…

sql-server-2005 linked-server service-broker
msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail does not execute within a stored procedure

I've used the following code to set up deadlock monitoring: and it …

sql-server sql-server-2005 service-broker
Sql Server Service Broker: How to structure Conversations for a simple queue scenario?

I'm a Sql Server Service Broker novice and I'm trying to grasp the best way to set Service Broker up …

sql-server queue service-broker