Top "Semantic-ui" questions

Semantic UI is a development framework for creating responsive layouts using human-friendly HTML and Javascript.

Semantic UI grid column height

I am building a simple grid based layout where I want to place .vertical pointing menu inside the 3th purple …

html css semantic-ui
Closing React Semantic UI modal with button and close icon

I have a Modal where the user needs to fill in some forms and save whatever was filled in through …

javascript reactjs modal-dialog semantic-ui semantic-ui-react
React Datetime Picker Component with Semantic UI React example

I can't find a React Datetime component with proper documentation. I need a Datetime picker in a React project using …

reactjs datetimepicker semantic-ui semantic-ui-react
How to take inputs from <Input/> in react semantic UI

I've been trying to take inputs from an input field and i used refs(the usual way in react), But …

reactjs semantic-ui semantic-ui-react
Semantic UI centered non-fluid menu?

I have two menus, one is fixed to the bottom and another fixed to the top. My problem is two-fold. …

html css semantic-ui
Semantic-UI-react fixed sidebar

Have Googled, searched within semantic ui's docs and issues page, and searched within stackoverflow. Couldn't find the answer. Within Semantic-ui-react, …

reactjs semantic-ui semantic-ui-react
Semantic ui List: Enable scrolling bar

I have a semantic ui list which contains so many items that it is longer than the window. I want …

css semantic-ui
Semantic UI - Keep thead visible when scrolling tbody

I'm trying to figure out how to keep the table head visible when scrolling. Is there a setting in semantic …

html css semantic-ui
Unable to make the Checkbox work with redux-form and react-semantic-ui

I'm trying to use redux-form with react-semantic-ui and is having trouble with the Checkbox component. The Checkbox is not being …

reactjs semantic-ui redux-form semantic-ui-react
React - input type file Semantic UI React

I'm trying to implement a file upload, but using SUIR <Input>, button, label, etc. This is strictly about …

javascript reactjs semantic-ui