Top "Semantic-ui-react" questions

Semantic-UI-React is the official React integration for Semantic UI

How to pass a React component as a prop

I'm using react-semantic-ui Modal object. The object that opens the modal is a prop. <Modal trigger=<Button>…

javascript reactjs semantic-ui semantic-ui-react
Semantic UI (React): Responsive vertical menu by changing to horizontal on mobile devices

I am using a vertical menu (semantic ui react). This is my structure for that: <Grid> <Grid.…

javascript css reactjs semantic-ui semantic-ui-react
How to close semantic ui modal in another react component?

In my main component I can open a modal by clicking on an icon. The content of the modal is …

javascript reactjs semantic-ui semantic-ui-react
Warning: Prop `className` did not match. when using styled compoenents with semantic-ui-react

I use this code to margin my Button from top: const makeTopMargin = (elem) => { return styled(elem)` && { margin-top: 1…

reactjs jsx styled-components semantic-ui-react next.js
Semantic UI, difference between table and grid?

I'd like to create a multiple rows + multiple columns view. I think I can either use table or grid. Which …

semantic-ui semantic-ui-react
In Semantic-UI-React, is there a way to add an x icon to a text input or dropdown that will clear the text when clicked?

I have both a text input and a dropdown that allows additions (both use the version). For both …

How to get text of selected <Dropdown/> option in ReactJS?

I am working on a ReactJS application and I am trying to get the text of a selected option in …

reactjs semantic-ui semantic-ui-react
Cannot check expect(elm).not.toBeVisible() for semantic-ui react component

I'm trying to test a react component and use expect(elm).not.toBeVisible() without success. Update 3 I have cut down …

reactjs jestjs create-react-app semantic-ui-react react-testing-library
How can I make sematic-ui-react Tab responsive?

I'm developing a react application and I recently start to use semantic ui react module. Unfortunately I'm not able to …

semantic-ui semantic-ui-react semantic-ui-css
How to do Dynamic images in ReactJS?

In my system I have a few images that a user can have presented and it's extremely advantageous to me …

reactjs image jsx semantic-ui-react