Top "Selinux" questions

NSA Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is an implementation of a flexible mandatory access control architecture in the Linux operating system.

Do you disable SELinux?

I want to know if people here typically disable SELinux on installations where it is on by default? If so …

linux selinux
Disabling SELinux in Android 5.0.1

I am trying to identify the configuration file where SELinux is set to Enforcing mode in Android Framework. Please do …

selinux android-framework
SVN hook pre-revprop-change not working

I know that this has been asked many times before, but I believe my situation is different. I am trying …

linux svn version-control webdav selinux
How do I detect if SELinux is enabled in an android application?

I'm trying to use the SecureRandom workaround that Google posted in my android application: …

android selinux
LDAP won't update if cached data exists

We have an SELinux client that authenticates network users using LDAP connecting to an Active Directory server. Since our machines …

active-directory ldap nss selinux
SELinux policy definition for Android system service: how to setup?

I had earlier written a standalone daemon to access a custom device (/dev/mydev0). Looking at AOSP source, I figured …

android service android-source selinux
Connect DATABASE Error TYPE: 2002: Permission denied

I am trying to connect the database with the following script(cxn-test.php) <?php $host = '';//dummy ip $…

php mysql curl selinux
OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"xxxx\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

I am using CentOS 7.4.1708. Current environment have no internet access. So I installed docker (and docker-compose) from binaries. At first, …

mysql docker docker-compose selinux libselinux
SELinux prevented httpd(usr/sbin/httpd) write access to /var/www/html/bookings/templates_c

I am using a framework which uses Smarty template engine. It works fine in Windows, but when I tried to …

linux smarty fedora apache selinux
How to debug an issue of cron's not executing a given script -- or other?

I have a Rails script that I would like to run daily. I know there are many approaches, and that …

ruby-on-rails cron centos selinux