Top "Self-signed" questions

Self-signed certificates are a type of security certificates that are signed by the same entity that actually uses the certificate.

Java: Overriding function to disable SSL certificate check

The web service is rest over SSL and it has self signed certificate, hosted in remote system.I have already …

java web-services ssl self-signed overriding
Tomcat Server/Client Self-Signed SSL Certificate

I have an Apache Tomcat 6.x server running with a self-signed SSL certificate. I want the client to present their …

tomcat ssl ssl-certificate self-signed keytool
How do I sign a Java applet for use in a browser?

I'm trying to deploy a Java applet on my website. I also need to sign it, because I need to …

java browser applet certificate self-signed
import self signed certificate in redhat

How can I import a self-signed certificate in Red-Hat Linux. I'm not an expert with respect to certificates and find …

ssl https openssl redhat self-signed
Java 7u51 will not accept JNLP with self-signed certificate?

I read on the web that Java version 7u51 (to be released in January 2014) will no longer accept Java Webstart …

java java-web-start jnlp self-signed
Invoke-RestMethod - Ignore Self Signed Certs

It seems like this question has been asked and answered, but so far every solution I come across does not …

rest powershell self-signed powershell-5.0
Can you use a service worker with a self-signed certificate?

I have developer server that are used for testing. They have SSL self-signed certificates, which allow us to test the …

ssl https self-signed service-worker
Self-signed SSL Cert or CA?

I would like to have the authentication and registration parts of my website encrypted (for obvious reason). This site is …

ssl self-signed ca
wget, self-signed certs and a custom HTTPS server

For various reasons I have created a simple HTTP server, and added SSL support via OpenSSL. I'm using self-signed certificates. …

https openssl wget self-signed
How to create a self-signed certificate with .pfx and .cer files?

In IIS 7.5 Windows Server 2008, How to create a self-signed certificate with .pfx (containing the private key) and .cer (containing the …

windows iis certificate self-signed