I need to make a collection which is populated in a loop. So, I need a global collection and I need to use that collection variable in For Loop using Robot Framework.
Kindly look at the code
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library
Library Collections
*** Keywords ***
Parent Routine
${ScoreList} ???
: For ${i} IN RANGE 1 5
\ Append To List ${ScoreList} ${i}
#\ Some other manipulation
*** Test Cases ***
Sample Test Case
[Documentation] Simple test for Collection
Parent Routine
I referred the http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/libraries/Collections.html
Kindly assist me how to achieve this.
In your code you missed the declaration, in other words you need to create a List using the keyword Create List
To declare a List you need to use the following code
@{ScoreList}= Create List
The Complete Code is
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library
Library Collections
*** Keywords ***
Parent Routine
@{ScoreList}= Create List
: For ${i} IN RANGE 1 5
\ Append To List ${ScoreList} ${i}
#\ Some other manipulation
:FOR ${item} IN @{ScoreList}
\ log to console ${item}
*** Test Cases ***
Sample Test Case
[Documentation] Simple test for Collection
Parent Routine