Conditional Post-Build step in Jenkins (Ideally without plugins)

John picture John · Oct 28, 2014 · Viewed 14.8k times · Source

If I understand correctly I can make a build step conditional using this plugin:

First does this plugin work the Post-Build steps? Second is there a way to make Post-Build steps conditional without a plugin?

The scenario I have is I am supporting both WebDriver and Selenium IDE tests with one universal Jenkins Job setup. If they have checked in either type of test it runs them. I then want it to conditionally look if any results files show up and if so then do the publish results Post-Build step, otherwise skip that step.

Currently if no results show up it simply marks the build as a failure since no test results were found.

Any suggestions would help!


Slav picture Slav · Oct 29, 2014

You can make any Build step execute as Post-build step.

  • Install Flexible Publish plugin
  • Install Any Build Step plugin
  • Under Configure System, look for "Flexible publish", and choose Any build step from drop-down.

The configure Job.

  • In your Job configuration, add Post-build action called "Flexible Publish".
  • Select condition.
  • Select action.