List of Selenium RC browser launchers

Jack Senechal picture Jack Senechal · Apr 3, 2010 · Viewed 24.4k times · Source

I am trying to find a full list of Selenium RC browser launchers. So far I've not been able to find any documentation that lists them all. I've gathered the following ones from various sources.

  • *iexplore - Launches IE
  • *firefox - Launches Firefox
  • *safari - Launches Safari
  • *opera - Launches Opera
  • *googlechrome - Launches Google Chrome
  • *chrome - Launches special Firefox profile with elevated security privileges, to bypass Javascript security errors
  • *iehta - Launches IE with elevated security privileges
  • *piiexplore - Launches IE in proxy injection mode
  • *pifirefox - Launches Firefox in proxy injection mode
  • *custom - Launches your own custom browser executable

Are there any others lurking out there? Is there any source of documentation on how each one is used?


Alan Richardson picture Alan Richardson · Apr 3, 2010

If you try and start a selenium session with the wrong browser id


selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", server.getPort(),
                "*gf", "");

Then selenium 1.0.3 will report the following list:

Supported browsers include:

  • firefox
  • mock
  • firefoxproxy
  • pifirefox
  • chrome
  • iexploreproxy
  • iexplore
  • firefox3
  • safariproxy
  • googlechrome
  • konqueror
  • firefox2
  • safari
  • piiexplore
  • firefoxchrome
  • opera
  • iehta
  • custom

This lists a few more than you have.