I was wondering if there was a way to directly convert the integer DayOfWeek returns into a string representing the …
vb.net date dayofweek select-caseI'm looking to carry out a Select Case with just one case - where the case is not equal to "…
vba excel select-caseSo I have something like the following in Vb6; Select case Case case "Case0" ... case "Case1" if Condition Then Exit …
vb6 exit select-case<% i=2 Select Case i Case 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 response.write("Grade A") Case 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 response.write("Grade B") Case 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 response.write("Grade C") …
vbscript asp-classic select-caseI have two tables, Variables and Processes. I want to implement a INSERT INTO SELECT CASE, but I've never done …
sql sql-server select insert select-caseinside an SQL SELECT CASE STATEMENT how would i check if the a value for some coulmn in sometable is …
sql select-caseI try a select case between number. Each 150000 the code the Textbox5 change on click button. Select Case TextBox5.Text …
vb.net select-caseHow to Add Not condition in the below select case. Is <> works for single value, and 'To' works …
vb.net switch-statement conditional-statements select-caseWhy doesn't the following code work? Private Function resolveSiteName(ByVal plantName As String, ByVal siteName As String) As Integer Dim …
vb.net select-caseI have an oracle time interval in a select statement like this: SELECT ... CASE WHEN date1 - date2 > 0 THEN …
sql oracle intervals date-arithmetic select-case