Top "Segue" questions

In iOS and Mac OSX, segue is a configurable object which specifies a transition from one scene to another.

Swift passing calculated data back to previous view controller

I am creating my first simple budgeting app. Basically, I take a few user inputs like monthly income & savings …

ios swift segue viewcontroller
Passing data with segue through navigationController

I'm trying to push data from one viewController to another. I've connected a viewController to another ViewController's navigationController and then …

ios swift storyboard segue
How to find indexPath for tapped accessory button in tableView

I've simple UITableView with one section and few rows. When user clicks cell accessory button (which is connected with detailsSegue. …

objective-c ios uitableview segue
viewDidLoad called before prepareForSegue finishes

I was under the impression that viewDidLoad will be called AFTER prepareForSegue finishes. This is even how Hegarty teaches his …

ios storyboard segue viewdidload
performSegueWithIdentifier very slow when segue is modal

I have a simple table view where I handle the select action on the table view. This action follows a …

ios objective-c swift segue
When I should use Navigation Controller?

I don't know when I should use Navigation Controller instead of use segue with normal View Controller? And if use …

ios objective-c uinavigationcontroller segue
Disabling segue animation

I want to Show (e.g. push) segues in my storyboard, to connect my viewcontrollers and my navigation controller. Then …

ios swift segue uistoryboard uistoryboardsegue
Segue and Button programmatically swift

I am using iCarousel and I have to create my own button. I want to pass data from the button …

swift button segue programmatically-created
Unwind segue not working

I'm currently doing the tutorial from Apple's Start Developing iOS Apps. On the Tutorial: Storyboards page (link above), I'm told …

ios objective-c segue
segue does not work in simple segue test

I have a weird problem. I have created 2 viewcontrollers in my storyboard: testSegueViewcontroller and nextPageViewController. The testSegueViewcontroller contains a UIButton …

ios xcode storyboard segue