Top "Seek" questions

Seeking is the act of moving around a file or file-like object.

Write to the middle of an existing binary file c++

I'm trying to open a binary file for writing without erasing the content. But I do not want to write …

c++ file stream append seek
How does Python's seek function work?

If I have some file-like object and do the following: F = open('abc', 'r') ... loc = F.tell() …

python seek
AttributeError when trying to use seek() to get last row of csv file

I am trying to return the last row from a csv file. I am modifying another function that I wrote …

python csv seek
iOS Audio Trimming

I searched a lot and couldn't find anything relevant... I am working on iOS audio files and here is what …

ios audio crop seek trim
Is it safe to open a file several times at once in Python?

I seem to recall cases in lower level languages that opening a file more than once in a program could …

python file seek
Explanation about def rewind(f):

i was reading a book and there was a code which had a this line in it def rewind(f): …

python function seek rewind
seekTo in VideoView

I'm having problems with seeking video. My application should resume video from place where it was stopped last time. So …

android android-videoview seek
How to detect MPMoviePlayerController starts a movie?

I am using MPMoviePlayerController, how do I detect when the movie actually started playing - as opposed to when the …

ios mpmovieplayercontroller nsnotificationcenter seek nsnotification
Does FileInputStream.skip() do a seek?

I want to copy the last 10MB of a possibly large file into another file. Ideally I would use FileInputStream, …

java inputstream seek random-access
VideoView seekto() function extremely inconsistent

I am trying to Seek to a particular location in a video in Android and I am completely stuck because …

android android-videoview seek