Generate an LTPA token?

Shadowman picture Shadowman · May 21, 2010 · Viewed 13.8k times · Source

We have a need to integrate a server with our WebSphere environment that does not support LTPA. I found Working with Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) by Cosmin Stejerean and corresponding code to decode the information in an LTPA token. However, there's no code explaining the digital signature and how that's generated/validated. Does anyone have any information on how to generate an LTPA token in custom code?


Manglu picture Manglu · May 25, 2010

You would need to specify how and what you want to integrate?

LTPA is a mechanism used by WebSphere and other IBM products (e.g lotus products) as a means of authentication (typically for a Single Sign on SSO)

If a WebSphere App Server (as an example) authenticates a user and the request say goes to a lotus product (which is part of the same domain), the lotus product identifies the user via the LTPA token which was generated by WAS.

The same applies to multiple WebSphere products too.

There are no public APIs for LTPA for users to work with and it is meant to be used by various IBM products.

HTH Manglu