Harm of passing session id as url parameter

user3722573 picture user3722573 · Dec 16, 2014 · Viewed 16k times · Source

So I just noticed that one of the internet banks websites is passing session id as url parameter. ( See image below )

enter image description here

I didn't previously see anywhere that ';' in url, in this case it is after 'private;'.

1) What is the use of this ';'?

2) And why internet bank, which needs to be securest place in the internet is passing session id as url parameter?

At first, I thought they are doing it because some of the users disallow use of cookies, but then again, if they allow it, use cookies, if not - url, but I do allow use of cookies, so obviously thats not the case.

3) I guess then they should have some other security measures? What they could be?

4) And what one can possibly do if he knows others valid session id? As I know, you can quite easily log into others peoples session if you know that id, because its not hard to edit cookies and its much easier to pass that session id as url parameter, especially if you have something like:




Amadan picture Amadan · Dec 16, 2014

1) You should ask whoever designed the application your red box is covering. URL can be anything you want; the convention of key=value&key2=value2 is just that - a convention. In this case, it's Java, and it commonly uses the convention of ;jsessionid=.... for its SID.

2) It's not that big of a deal. Normal users can't copy-paste cookies like they can copy-paste a GET parameter, but power users can do whatever they want (using Mechanize, wget, curl and other non-browser means, or even browser extensions). And if you allow it for some users and disallow for some, it's not really much of a security precaution, is it? Basically, cookie SID will make the attack a bit harder, but it's like putting your front door key under the mat - definitely doesn't keep your door secure. Additionally, cookies are shared between tabs: if a site wants you to be logged in with two accounts at once, you can't do it with cookies.

3) Serverside security, yes. One effective countermeasure is one-time SIDs (each time you visit a page, the server reads the session from the current SID, then starts a new session with a new SID for the next request). A less effective but still good method is to validate other information for consistency (e.g. - still same IP? Still same browser?)

4) Yes, if you know someone's valid SID, and the server does not adequately protect against session fixation, you can "become" that person. This might enable the attacker to, say, pay his bills with your money, for instance.